Need to know
Every year the CVR Educational Foundation awards the following to graduating students of CVR High School:
CVREF Academic Scholarships based on the highest academic standings (no application needed).
Subject Prizes based on various academic standings (no application needed).
Awards based on various academic standings, community involvement and/or school life participation (no application needed).
Bursaries and Scholarships based on specific post-secondary programs and/or institutions and/or marks (application required).
The CVR Ed Foundation calls for 1 ROUND OF APPLICATIONS separated in 2 categories :
The GENERAL Bursaries are open to all CVRHS graduating students regardless of the subject of the post-secondary program and do not require honor standing marks. However, please note that the 3 bursaries included in this section are heavily weighted on a student’s financial need. Apply for the general bursaries here.
The SPECIFIC Bursaries & Scholarships are open to all CVRHS graduating students. The bursaries and scholarships in this section are all post-secondary program or institution specific. Many have minimum academic standing requirements. Consult Bursaries and Scholarships to see qualifications requirements. Apply for Specific Bursaries & Scholarships here.
Please take note : Applicants are now asked to include a copy of their letter of acceptance from a post-secondary institution with their application package. If the applicant has not yet received an answer at the time of submission, he/she must sent it by e-mail to the CVR Ed Foundation when received. Bursaries and Scholarships will not be awarded without acceptance in a post-secondary institution. Click here to upload and send your document.